Nikema's Developer Blog and Portfolio

A place for my code, projects, and thoughts about my journey as software developer.

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100 Days of Code - [42/100]

Not much coding today. I was working on setting up my web server, a new email, and a WordPress site. I'm trying to get into these WebMentions. I think I'm there now. I will be testing with this post and my twitter post about day 42. It's after 3:00am my time. Way too late to be up messing with this stuff. I will be going to bed very soon.

100 Days of Code - [41/100]

I need to keep it short again today. I finished the Intro to React Course. I really enjoyed it and learned a lot. I'm looking forward to Intermediate React from the same instructor.I want to start building regularly. Set a goal for a complete project daily or maybe weekly to start. It's important to learn but also to apply what is learned. Building from scratch is just different than following a tutorial.

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